General knowledge of Banská Bystrica Region the state/province of Slovakia

Mostly asked questions about the province Banská Bystrica Region

What is the country of Banská Bystrica Region ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Banská Bystrica Region ?

How many cities are in the state Banská Bystrica Region ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Banská Bystrica Region ?

What are the name of cities of Banská Bystrica Region ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Banská Bystrica Region

First question is about the country which is Slovakia and SK is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Banská Bystrica Region there is only 35 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Banská Bystrica Region by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Banská Bystrica Region
Country Name flag of SK Slovakia
Country Code SK
Total States of Slovakia 8
Total Cities of State 35

All Cities of Banská Bystrica Region

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Žarnovica 48.48123000 18.71565000
2 Žiar nad Hronom 48.59184000 18.84958000
3 Čierny Balog 48.74722000 19.65125000
4 Banská Štiavnica 48.44858000 18.91003000
5 Banská Bystrica 48.73946000 19.15349000
6 Brezno 48.80431000 19.63631000
7 Detva 48.56082000 19.41954000
8 Dudince 48.17135000 18.88782000
9 Fiľakovo 48.26757000 19.82473000
10 Hriňová 48.57787000 19.52574000
11 Hrochoť,Slovakia 48.65567000 19.31284000
12 Kováčová 48.60148000 19.10252000
13 Kremnica 48.70519000 18.91834000
14 Krupina 48.35540000 19.06474000
15 Lučenec 48.33249000 19.66708000
16 Nová Baňa 48.42305000 18.64037000
17 Okres Žarnovica 48.48438000 18.72076000
18 Okres Žiar nad Hronom 48.58333000 18.86667000
19 Okres Banská Štiavnica 48.44961000 18.90820000
20 Okres Banská Bystrica 48.73333000 19.15000000
21 Okres Brezno 48.80000000 19.75000000
22 Okres Detva 48.55985000 19.42044000
23 Okres Krupina 48.35736000 19.06334000
24 Okres Lučenec 48.33333000 19.66667000
25 Okres Poltár 48.42895000 19.79488000
26 Okres Revúca 48.68300000 20.11568000
27 Okres Veľký Krtíš 48.20000000 19.35000000
28 Okres Zvolen 48.58333000 19.13333000
29 Poltár 48.43094000 19.79408000
30 Revúca 48.68346000 20.11734000
31 Rimavská Sobota 48.38284000 20.02239000
32 Svätý Anton 48.41923000 18.94010000
33 Tisovec 48.67738000 19.94364000
34 Veľký Krtíš 48.21059000 19.35043000
35 Zvolen 48.57442000 19.15324000